Standing on The Shoulders of Giants
Transcriptions from Poussin and Monet
Online Course with Hampshire Art Studio
27 February, 6, 13, 20 March 2023
10.00 – 12.00, and a crit at 4.00pm
Class is delivered by ZOOM with a dedicated WhatsApp group
The class will be recorded so you can replay it whilst you paint in the afternoon.
All levels welcome
​​​Thursdays in Summer | 10 am - 5 pm
Painting in the Park - Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park
All Levels welcome
Working in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, we explore how to view the landscape as a painter. Students will be encouraged to work on quick “Alla Prima” paintings as a means of investigating how to make meaningful and highly charged paintings of the landscape in a short time and will develop a working method that allows them to be open to the numerous possible directions that a painting might take. But the option to work on longer paintings is also available.
For details of up coming dates please contact Alex Fowler at: alex@alexanderfowler.co.uk